
Bibliography- routine of going to school

Hello, my name is Thania, I am 15 years old, I live in the community of San Jose Ayuquila. My mother's name is Esmeralda, she is my favorite person along with my sister. And my sister's name is Cecilia. And I will present my routine for a day to go to school. I get up at 5 in the morning or 6 in the morning depending on whether I have bathed at night, I change, my grandmother is the one who cooks my smoothie, I drink it, I brush my teeth, after that I comb my hair, I put cream on my face and then I start to get my uncle up to take me to school, I leave my house at 6:45 in the morning to arrive at 6:50 in the morning. Arriving at school I meet my classmate or school friend, we wait for classes like, at 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning I go out for breakfast, when I finish I go to the classroom where I have to have classes, I leave school at 12:00 or 1:00 in the afternoon, I get home, I change, I talk about how I went to school with my grandparents, I sleep for a while, I get up at 3:

Mi bloc

Hola mi nombre es Thania Michelle Ramirez Cariño, soy de San José  Ayuquila ,nací el 8 de agosto del 2007, tengo 15 años , mi pasatiempo es escuchar música, leer y  hacer tarea , mis gustos musicales es el kpop, también  ver k-dramas o series , en mis tiempos libres hago cosas del aseo, ayudo a mi abuela en lo que puedo del hogar, actualmente  estudio en el plantel cecyteo y me la paso muy genial , en este nuevo grado , me siento orgullosa  de mi por llegar a otro nivel. 

conversation between 2 people.

Alejandra:Hello my name is alejandra and you? Tania:Hello, my name is Tania, where are you from? I am from San José Ayuquila. Alejandra:Well I'm from Santiago Ayuquililla.  Thania:What do you like to do in your free time ? Alejandra:listen to music and watch kdramas or series and you? Thania:I like to read, sleep and eat jsjs. Alejandra:also and what kind of music do you like? Thania:I like all kinds of songs, for example English songs and some Korean singers called BTS and thu? Alejandra:you are an army, I also really like their songs. Tania:Would you like to take you with me? Alejandra:Of course yes, but we were already going to class, they are waiting for us Tania: Ok let's go.